A little bit kitchen inspiration for cold winter days

Apple and Rhubarb Pie with Coconut Whipped Cream

5 medium sized apples
6 rhubarb stalks
2 sheets of short crust pastry
1 sheet of puff pastry
Spray oil
1 ½ cups solidified coconut cream (from 2 x 375ml pre-refrigerated canned coconut milk)
1 tbs ground cinnamon (more according to taste)
1 egg
½ tsp vanilla extract (more if you like it really sweet)

1. Place 2 x 375ml cans of coconut milk into the refrigerator overnight.

2. Preheat oven to 200°C. Fill a medium sized saucepan with 2 cups of water, place on a high heat and bring to the boil.

3. Meanwhile, remove the shortcrust pastry from the freezer and allow to thaw. Wash your rhubarb and dry with a paper towel. Wash and peel your apples, cut into eighths and remove the pips and core. Slice the rhubarb into 1½ to 2 inch lengths. Make sure you only take the red part of the stalk only – anything else is poisonous.

4. Once the water in the saucepan has come to the boil, reduce the heat and allow the water to simmer. Add your apple and rhubarb and cover for 15 – 20 mins or until the rhubarb breaks down and resembles string.

5. While the apple mixture is cooking place the shortcrust pastry into a large quiche dish (the dish I used was 27cm in diameter and 3 cm high). Line the bottom and sides with the pastry. Make sure you spray the base and sides before placing the pastry in the dish. Using a fork prick the base approx a dozen times to allow excess air to escape. Place in the oven for 15 – 20 minutes or until the pastry is starting to go golden. Remove from the oven.

6. Remove the saucepan from the stove and gently stir in the cinnamon. Allow it to sit for another 10 – 15 mins. Remove the puff pastry from the freezer and allow to thaw. Drain and remove as much of the liquid as possible from the apple and rhubarb mixture.. Place the sieve over a saucepan and leave it to drain for 5 mins.

7. Pour the drained apple and rhubarb mixture into the quiche dish and even out. Cut the puff pastry into 8 pieces (no bigger than 1 inch wide) and lay the first 4 strips vertically across the top of the pie. The next 4 go in a horizontal direction to form a crisscross pattern.

8. Beat the egg to combine and brush over the puff pastry. Place dish into the oven and bake for another 15 – 20 minutes or until the pastry is golden brown.

9. Remove from the oven and allow to cool. Meanwhile, open 2 cans of coconut milk and scrape only the thick coconut cream from the top half of the can. Place the thick coconut cream and vanilla extract into a bowl and using a hand-held mixer (or food processor) use the whipping attachment whip until it is the consistency of whipped cream. Stop occasionally to scrape down the sides.

10. Cut the cake into desired number of servings and plate up with the whipped coconut cream. Enjoy

Workout of the Week – Deck of Death

Don't be surprised if this is your next move once you have finished this workout...

When working out at home it is often quite difficult to come up with an exercise that is effective without having a lot (sometimes no) equipment at all…  Plyometric training is a fantastic way to build up strength in your body and complete a cardio workout at the same time and you don’t need any equipment with most of these.

Deck of Death is a fantastic method of training.  It is an opportunity for you to focus on one particular muscle group or you can mix it up a little and complete a full body workout… Lets go.

BEFORE you complete any kind of exercise it is important to warm up…  I complete a minimum of 5 minutes of warming up.  My warm up would include skipping or jogging.  You don’t want to go all out just warm the body and start the heart going.

The Deck of Death works on a number of repetitions rather than time.  To get started you will need a standard deck of cards (52 cards) AND the 2 joker cards (a total of 54 cards).  You need to shuffle the cards before starting.  Each value card (ie Ace-King cards) represents a move.  All cards represent a value – including the joker.  The value of the cards is as below:

  • Ace = 1
  • 2 = 2
  • 3 = 3
  • 4 = 4
  • 5 = 5
  • 6 = 6
  • 7 = 7
  • 8 = 8
  • 9 = 9
  • 10 = 10
  • Face cards (ie Jack, Queen and King) = 10
  • Joker = Double it!

And again each card (except the joker) represents a move.  I have included a how to on the bottom of the page.

  • Ace = Pushups (upper body)
  • 2 = Sit ups / Crunches (core)
  • 3 = Frog jumps / 4 point squat jump (lower body / Cardio)
  • 4 = Leg raises (core)
  • 5 = Jumping Lunges (lower body / cardio)
  • 6 = Sprint Starts / Flo-Jos (lower body)
  • 7 = Mountain Climbers (core / cardio)
  • 8 = Down, Down, Up, Ups (upper body / core)
  • 9 = Tricep Dips (upper body)
  • 10 = High Knee Jumps (lower body / cardio)
  • J = Skaters (cardio / lower body)
  • Q = Mother F#%ker Burpees (cardio / upper / lower)
  • K = Step ups (if you don’t have something that you can step up on to do high knees) (cardio / lower body)

Draw 3 cards from the top of the deck.  In the event you draw a joker you need to draw 1 more card.  The first value card (Ace – King) card represents the move, the next 2 cards represent the total combined number of repetitions.  Remember that if you pulled the joker you need to double it! 🙂

So if you pulled an A + Q + 10 = Pushups x 20.  If you pulled Joker + 9 + A + K = Tricep Dips x 22.  May God help you if your last 2 value cards are both a 10 reps card on a joker…

I usually continue this for 45 – 60 mins (depending on what I’ve pulled and the number of reps I’ve had to complete).  To finish off I will also complete a cool down AFTER I have finished the workout.  My cool down will comprise of the 3 x 1 min plank/bridge and a walk for approximately 5 – 10 mins.


Push up

Depending on your fitness level you can complete this exercise on your knees (beginners), toes shoulder width apart (intermediate) or on your toes and cross your ankles (intermediate)

  1. If you are doing these on a hard surface then use a folded towel or yoga mat to go under your knees if this is how you wish to do this exercise.
  2. Assume the Push-up starting position with your elbows locked.
  3. Lower yourself by bending your elbows until your chest almost touches the floor.
  4. Come back up by pushing through the floor.
  • Hand Position. Don’t take your hands out to wide. Put your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width. Hands turned out 45°.
  • Tuck Your Elbows. Easier on your shoulders. Keep your elbows at a 45° angle to your body during Push-ups.
  • Push Your Abs Out. Straight line from shoulders to ankles. Push your abs out as if someone was going to punch you in the stomach.
  • Squeeze Your Glutes. Push your abs out while squeezing your glutes hard. Both will avoid any hyper-extension of your lower back.
  • Tuck Your Chin. Lead with your chest, not with your head. Your neck must stay inline with the rest of your spine. Don’t look forward.

Sit Up / Crunches

Again depending on your fitness level you can complete this movement with your feet firmly planted on the floor (beginner), with your feet off the floor and knees at 90 degrees so that your shins are parallel to the floor (intermediate) or on the way up bend your knees up to your chest and on the way down your legs all the way out – make sure that you don’t let your heals / feet touch the ground (advanced).

  1. Find a padded surface. If you’re on hardwood floors then use a yoga mat or a towel.
  2. Lie on your back. Bend your knees to a 90 degree angle while keeping your feet flat on the floor. Don’t use anything to anchor your feet because that will cause your leg and hip flexors to take some of the work away from your abs.
  3. Position your hands at your sides / cross them across your chest / on your temples (which ever is most comfortable) Once you have built up some core strength, cross your arms behind your head. IMPORTANT: Don’t interlace your fingers behind your head or pull on your head while executing the Sit-Ups. This can cause strain on the neck and will also reduce the amount of work on the abdominals.
  4. Imagine that you are in slow motion and execute the Sit-Ups slooowwwwlllly.  Exhale as you pull yourself upwards towards your knees. This causes your muscles to suck inward and will cause your deeper core muscles to do some work. Inhaling while executing a sit-up can cause your abdomen to protrude – which not only makes the exercise less effective – but can also cause strain on your lower back.
  5. When you have raised your upper torso about 6-12 inches from the floor, hold your position and tense your abs. Momentarily hold this position.
  6. Lower yourself back down, but only so that you are very lightly touching the floor with your head and upper back. Don’t let yourself back into a resting position – instead keep your abdominal muscles taut and move right back into the next movement.

Frog Jumps / 4 Point Squat Jump

  1. Starting in a squat position with 1 hand touching the floor directly in front of you, jump forward to land in a squat position and the opposite hand out in front and touching the floor.  IMPORTANT:Make sure that when you are performing this move that you are landing softly and in a controlled motion, jumping as hard as you can.  Landing too hard can be very harsh on your joints.
  2. This time when you jump, do so, so you are landing to the right. Returning to the squatting position again with the starting hand back on the floor.
  3. The third jump is to land directly behind you and again landing back into the squat position and with the other hand touching the floor.
  4. The final jump is to the left, again landing in the starting position.So when you look at it imagine there is a box drawn on the floor and you are standing on one corner.  you need to jump to each corner to complete 1 rep.

Leg Raises

This is a good workout at all levels.  The main thing to remember is that the lower your heals are to the floor the harder the movement becomes. IMPORTANT: You must keep your lower back in contact with the floor at all times throughout the movement.

  1. Find a padded surface. If you’re on hardwood floors then use a yoga mat or a towel.
  2. Lying on your back, keep your legs extended and knees straight.  Lift your feet so your hips are 90 degrees.
  3. Lower your legs slooowwwwlllly – keeping them straight.  Do this so that your heals NEVER touch the floor, or until your lower back starts to loose contact with the floor.
  4. Slooowwwwlllly raise your legs back to the starting position – never allowing the knees to bend.
  5. This is 1 rep completed.  If you have difficulty keeping your back on the floor, tuck your fingers under the lower part of your bottom – how much of the hand under your bottom would depend on how much your back is lifting up of the floor.  The more it lifts the more you’ll need to place your hands under your backside. 🙂

Jumping Lunges

These can be done with weights for an extra push.

  1. Stand in a split stance with one leg forward and one leg back.
  2. Bend the knees, lowering into a lunge while keeping the front knee and back knee at 90 degree angles.
  3. Keeping the weight in your heels, explode up into a jump and switch the front leg to the back and vise versa.
  4. Softly land to finish at the bottom of the lunge position.
  5. Again keeping the weight in your heals, explode up into a jump and switch the front leg to the back and vise versa.
  6. You have just completed 1 rep.
  •  Avoid locking the knees at the top of the movement
  • Keep your front knee behind the toe as you lunge (you should be able to look down and see your toe)
  • To make the workout harder create a larger gap in between the legs
  •  Keep your abs engaged and the torso upright

Sprint Starts / Flo-Jos

  1. Stand with one foot behind each other – so the toe of the foot at the back is touching  the heal of the foot in front.
  2. Keeping your feet where they are, crouch down to the floor and place the tips of your fingers on the floor approximately shoulder width apart and in line with the toes of the front foot.
  3. Lift the heal of the rear foot off the ground as if it were in a starting block.
  4. Keeping your finger tips on the floor and front foot planted and rear foot’s heal raised, straighten your legs as far as you can go without lifting ay foot / finger off the ground.  It will be like your but is in the air.
  5. Lower back to the crouching position. This has completed 1 repetition (rep).
  6. Keep your stance and repeat this movement for the desired number of repetitions.  Remember to complete the same number of reps with the feet switched.

Mountain Climbers

  1. Begin in a pushup position on the hands and toes.
  2. Bring the right knee in towards the chest
  3. Jump up and switch feet in the air, bringing the left foot in and the right foot back. You can also run the knees in and out rather than touching the toes to the floor.
  4. That is one repetition
  5. Continue alternating the feet as fast as you safely can.

Down, Down, Up, Ups

Depending on your fitness level you can complete this exercise on your knees (beginners), toes shoulder width apart (intermediate) or on your toes and cross your ankles (intermediate)

  1. Find a padded surface. If you’re on hardwood floors then use a yoga mat or a towel.
  2. Begin in a pushup position on the hands and knees / toes depending on your level of fitness.
  3. Bring the right arm down so that the forearm (the part of the arm between your wrist and elbow) is on the floor.
  4. Keeping the right arm where it is, repeat this motion on the left arm.  This is the down, down motion.
  5. Take the right arm back up to the starting position of the pushup and repeat for the left side.  This is the up, up motion.
  6. You have just completed 1 rep.
  7. Repeat the down, down, up, up motion for the remaining number of reps.

Tricep Dips

Once again, depending on your fitness level the closer your feet are to your bottom the easier this move is.  If you really want to challenge yourself, perform this movement with your heals resting on an other bench / chair / wall.

  1. For this exercise you will need to place a bench, chair, wall behind your back.
  2. With the bench perpendicular to your body, and while looking away from it, hold on to the bench / chair / wall on its edge with the hands fully extended, separated at shoulder width. Your  legs will be extended forward, bent at the waist and perpendicular to your torso. This will be your starting position.
  3. Slowly lower your body as you inhale by bending at the elbows until you lower yourself far enough to where there is an angle slightly smaller than 90 degrees between the upper arm and the forearm. Tip: Keep the elbows as close as possible throughout the movement. Forearms should always be pointing down.
  4. Using your triceps to bring your torso up again, lift yourself back to the starting position.
  5. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions

High Knee Jumps

  1. Begin in a comfortable standing position with your knees slightly bent. Hold your hands in front of you, palms down with your fingertips together at chest height. This will be your starting position.
  2. Rapidly dip down into a quarter squat and immediately explode upward.
  3. Drive the knees towards the chest, attempting to touch them to the palms of the hands.
  4. Jump as high as you can, raising your knees up, and then ensure a good land by re-extending your legs, absorbing impact through by allowing the knees to re-bend.


  1. Assume a comfortable stance with one foot slightly in front of the other.
  2. Begin by pushing off with the front leg, driving the opposite knee forward and as high as possible before landing. Attempt to cover as much distance to each side with each bound.
  3. It may help to use a line on the ground to guage distance from side to side.
  4. Repeat the sequence with the other leg.

Mother F#%ker Burpees

  1. From a standing position squat down and put your palms flat on the ground.
  2. Kick your feet back to the bottom of the push up position being sure that the thighs and chest touch the ground.
  3. Spring your feet forward and then jump while raising your arms overhead.
  4. Notice that there is not a strict push up involved in the movement.  In my experience including the strict push up slows the movement down too much – you want to get down and up as fast as possible while maintaining proper technique
  5. That is 1 rep.  Repeat steps 1 – 3 .
  6. If you find it too difficult to include the pushup position then omit this from the movement.  These are just the Burpee

Step ups

Just like lunges, this exercise can also be performed by alternating between the right and the left leg every time until all repetitions have been performed for both legs. Also, dumbbells or a barbell can be used for resistance. Beginners can start with only the body weight, especially if they have balance issues.

  1. Place the right foot on the elevated platform.
  2. Step on the platform by extending the hip and the knee of your right leg.
  3. Use the heel mainly to lift the rest of your body up and place the foot of the left leg on the platform as well.
  4. Breathe out as you execute the force required to come up.
  5. Step down with the left leg by flexing the hip and knee of the right leg as you inhale.
  6. Return to the original standing position by placing the right foot next to the left foot on the initial position.
  7. Repeat with the right leg for the recommended amount of repetitions and then perform with the left leg.

High Knees

  1. Begin in a comfortable standing position with your knees slightly bent. Hold your hands in front of you, palms down with your fingertips together at chest height. This will be your starting position
  2. Raise your right knee to you palms and replace your foot back to the starting position.
  3. Repeat this motion continuously for the desired number of reps.
  4. Repeat this on your left side for the same number of reps
  5. For an extra impact do this with alternating legs in a jogging / running motion.

Bridge / Plank / Hover

  1. Get into a prone position on the floor, supporting your weight on your toes and your forearms. Your arms are bent and directly below the shoulder.
  2. Keep your body straight at all times, and hold this position for as long as possible.
  3. To increase difficulty, an arm or leg can be raised.

Update Time… 1st week

Well it’s been a week since I started on my journey and I’m pleased to say there has been a little bit of progress 🙂

You may remember last week my starting weight was 74kgs.  Well 74.7kgs to be exact…

This week has been been a full on week. Having a 4 month old certainly places restrictions on you but at the same time it helps keep me motivated and focused on the end goal and why I am doing this…  I’ve quit the foods that are high in sugar and I’ve struggled with that and at the end of the first week I am feeling a whole lot better and the cravings for the sweet things are going 🙂

I’ve set up my training schedule and taking it easy this week – need to work my way up to these things.  I am a little frustrated with myself as I know how hard I used to train and I know what my potential is but I don’t have the stamina to do that kind of training just yet… Give it a few weeks and I’ll be jogging (or as the great Ron Burgundy would say – yogging) the 5 maybe even 10kms that I used to in such ease…

As I have been time poor this week making it to the gym has been a little harder than previous weeks so I’ve been looking at alternative ways to work out at home.  All up my days have been very productive and I have the support from my husband to make this lifestyle change.  He understands why I am changing my eating habits and have started working out again.

So I am proud to say that when I stepped off the scales this morning they read 72.7kgs…That is a loss of 2kgs… not bad for my first week.  Bring on the next 9kgs!

Yummy Mummy here i come 😀

The Skinny Fat vs. Skinny Fit Debate

Over the last few days I have had the opportunity to discuss my goals with a few of my close friends and family members and to see their reaction when I tell them my goal weight is I am often faced with remarks of “That’s too skinny or that’s too much weight to loose”.  Fact of the matter is I’m not looking to be skinny I’m looking to be fit whilst being able to fit back into my pre pregnancy clothing (AU size 8 / US size 4).  Then it got me thinking about an article I once read in a fitness magazine about the skinny fat vs skinny fit…

Q.     Which model do you think has more body fat? The curvier one on the left or the whippet thin one on the right?

A.     If you think it’s the one on the right, I am afraid that you are mistaken! The model on the right has very little muscle tone and her body is composed of mainly fat, skin and bones (skinny fat). On the left however, her body has minimal fat and has great muscle tone and definition (skinny fit).

Because of our unique feminine physiology, the fat cells in our lower body (for the majority of women) are world-class clingers (this is especially true when you are pregnant). This leads a lot of us in particular, to become so fixated on the scale, thinking constantly of their goal weight (I don’t understand what happens when they reach this though; are they happier, healthier or a better person?). I do own a set of scales, as to how heavy I am really does not interest me anymore (this hasn’t always been the case with me in the past) – it is what my body composition (muscle to fat ratio) is, that matters more to me now.

Skinny-fatness strikes women a lot more than men. I think this is mainly because men aren’t afraid of lifting weights to lose fat (and to be fair, men naturally do have more muscle and less fat than their female counterparts). We women, on the other hand, evidently prefer inventing bizarre and complicated diet regimens revolving around strange food preparation, subsistence on one food group or crazy calorie limits (whoever said women were bad at maths has never met a woman 2 weeks before her high school reunion or 2 days before a date).

Ladies and gentlemen, simply “dieting” will help you shed excess “weight”, which is great for increasing your energy and reducing chances of a myriad of health conditions and diseases, but you are most likely doing it at the cost of losing muscle mass. This will in turn lower your metabolic rate, put your health at risk and keep you eternally skinny looking, but feeling fat and squidgy.

The less muscle you have, the less work your bones have to do, and they begin to shed that incredibly valuable osseous tissue: your bones, which are, in fact, living tissues directly related to your blood, immune system, strength, longevity – even your mood.

In a country of cardio fanatics and serial dieters, is it any wonder that women have such high rates of osteoporosis and are at a perpetual state of skinny-fatness? Cardio will get your heart pumping and burn some calories, but it won’t maximize your shape to make you look toned and sleek, and neither will it do much to put a dent in your osteoporosis risk.

There’s only ONE solution to this which is…….TA DA – Weight training!!

Weights will get you looking skinny fit in no time by changing your body composition, increasing your lean muscle mass, increasing your metabolic rate, it will lift, tone and shape your body, and lead to fat loss… what more could you want?

Are you lifting some weights yet? Get to it!

Remember, it’s better to be lean and toned, not scrawny and soft…

Preparation is the key

Here are my top three tips that everyone, including you can start using today.  Make smarter decisions when planning meals and save time.  Read on for more!

You know that you have to eat several times per day, so why is that that so many people leave their meal planning to the last minute and wonder why they can never follow a healthy nutrient-rich diet?

Here are my top three tips that everyone, including you, can start using today.  Turning your old habits into new ones takes 21 days.  Remember this magic number and try these tips.  Mark the 21-day point on your calendar.

1. Cook Your Meals In Advance & Keep It Simple

Preparing your meals in advance ensures that you won’t be tempted to make a detour into a fast food establishment.  If you want to have a gourmet meal for dinner every day, you may be setting yourself up for disappointment since gourmet eating may take more prep time than you have.

Plan ahead by cooking your meals every other day, providing you with enough food for the next two days.  If you are really busy, keep Sundays and Wednesdays as your cooking days.  When working, I normally ate breakfast at home unless I was doing morning cardio or did not have time to go home right away.

Breakfast Suggestions:

Keep your breakfast / meal #1 simple, with foods such as oatmeal, yogurt, eggs, cottage cheese and whole wheat toast with almond butter (or organic peanut butter).

Choose the foods that will equal a carbohydrate and protein.  Healthy fats will also be included with the protein choice.

MEAL 1 (Sample Choices)
Carbohydrates Oats
Protein Eggwhites (1/3 cup)
Fat Two full eggs (fat comes from the yolks)

For your next meals, which should be spaced every 2.5 to 3 hours apart, choose foods such as:

  • chicken
  • turkey
  • yams/sweet potatoes
  • almonds
  • brown rice
  • whole wheat pasta & breads
  • avocados (with a sprinkle of lemon juice)
  • brown rice sushi (yes, it’s out there!)
  • fish (salmon, tuna, snapper, orange roughly, tilapia, swordfish, halibut)

Also remember your fibrous vegetables, such as:

  • broccoli
  • asparagus
  • spinach
  • green beans
  • brussel sprouts
  • peppers
  • cucumbers

Many of my suggestions are foods that are low in the glycemic index, though there are many other healthy choices such as raisins, peas, corns, carrots, and white potatoes.

For my meals #2, #3, and #4, I will plan ahead the night before by cooking a large amount of chicken in the oven. Simply spray some olive oil on a baking pan, lay out your chicken and sprinkle on any spices you like. Spices will be your best friends when it comes to making your meals enjoyable.

While my chicken is in the oven, I will cook a sweet potato and steam some green beans and/or broccoli.

MEAL 2 (Sample Choices)
Carbohydrates ½ cup brown rice & 1 cup of green beans
Protein 1 chicken breast
Fat Flax oil


2. Divide Your Meals Into Portion Sizes

Get yourself plastic containers that are the correct size for your mini-meals on the go. If you are not sure what a portion size looks like, remember this:

Container Size Guide
Portion Relative Size
1 oz. Meat Size of a matchbox
3 oz. Fish Size of a cheque book
1 oz. Cheese Size of 4 dice
1 medium Potato Size of a computer mouse
2 tbsp. Peanut Butter Size of a ping pong ball
1 cup Pasta Size of a tennis ball
1 average Bagel Size of a hockey puck
3 oz. Meat Size of a deck of cards / bar of soap
8 oz. Meat Size of a thin paperback book


Having your meals prepared ahead and stored in a cooler with you will triple your chances of achieving your fitness goals.  Look at the amateur and pro bodybuilding competitors.  Whether they are male or female, competing in fitness and figure or bodybuilding, all of them will plan their meals in advance.


If you are not at all hungry three hours after your last meal, you may have consumed too many calories. Try making your portion sizes a little smaller.

3. Always Have a Bottle of Water With You

Some H2O Facts:

  • Blood is 83% water
  • Muscles are 75% water
  • The brain is 74% water
  • Bone is 22% water

It may feel like a hassle at the start but having water with you will make a major difference in your life.  Water is a necessity.  Your body needs water to digest and absorb vitamins and nutrients.  Water also detoxifies the liver and kidneys, and carries away waste from the body, and makes digestion possible.

Fiber alone cannot aid proper digestive function.  Feeling dehydrated?  You may be, and not even know it!  Without water, your blood is literally thicker, and your body has to work much harder to cause it to circulate.  As a result, your brain becomes less active, it’s hard to concentrate, your body feels fatigued, and you just tire out.  Aim for 2-3 litres a day.  Before you know it, you will start to crave and love your water. Add lemon for a new taste you’ll come to enjoy.

 This is about you!

Are you worried that people are going to joke about you bringing your own food to work, or that you can’t have lunch with the rest of the gang?  Remember your reasons for why you planning your meals ahead.

If your friends and work associates joke and have an issue about how you are eating they certainly have some issues of their own.  Remember this: I will be with you every step of the way.

Training Basics 101 – Set Up a Schedule

One major muscle group per day workout / bodybuilding workoutsare designed in such a way that only one muscle group is targeted in each workout. Personally I have found this method of training to be very effective in obtaining the results I want over a period of time. I have also found the training in such a way will allow me to generate a higher intensity workout and allow for better recovery. There are two advantages to this workout:

  1. It allows me to just concentrate on the body part at hand and work it from all possible angles. At an advanced level, the goal is to not only build new muscle mass but also to correct any imbalances and achieve perfect symmetry (or harmony between body parts).
  2. It allows the muscle to better recover from the high volume and intensity required from this advanced level of training.

Below you will find a good examples of how I set up my personal one muscle group per day split. One thing that I love about this schedule is the fact that I can really specialise on my legs and abs training as there is one day dedicated to each of these body parts.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Shoulders Legs Cardio Chest Back Cardio Rest Day
Triceps Abs Biceps Abs
Min 8-12 reps for 3 sets each Min 8-12 reps for 3 sets each 45-60mins Min 8-12 reps for 3 sets each Min 8-12 reps for 3 sets each 45-60mins 45-60mins Active rest
Deltoids Quads Zumba Chest Lats Zumba Walk
Trapezius Calves Run Biceps Middle Back Run
Triceps Glutes Skipping Rope Forearms Lower Back Skipping Rope
Hamstrings Abs


In a one major muscle group per day workout split, workouts are designed in such a way that only one muscle group is targeted in each workout. This is a great way to train for very advanced people who are significantly strong and can generate such a high level of intensity in each workout that training less frequently will allow for better results and recovery. Again, this routine should only be used by those bodybuilders who have spent years training using higher frequency splits such as the antagonistic muscles workout split .

There are two advantages to this workout split:

  1. It allows the advanced bodybuilder to just concentrate on the body part at hand and work it from all possible angles. At at advanced level, the goal is to not only build new muscle mass but also to correct any imbalances and achieve perfect symmetry (or harmony between body parts).
  2. It allows the muscle to better recover from the high volume and intensity required from this advanced level of training.

Below you will find a good examples of how I set up my personal one muscle group per day split. One thing that I love about this split is the fact that I can really specialize on my quad and hamstring training as there is one day dedicated to each of these body parts.

Sunday, (WTF) Sunday…

What does one eat when surrounded by a group of friends who compete in body building on the weekends?  Eggs… Benedict with bacon

I told you that there would be days when you fall off the wagon… I just didn’t think it would be so soon

A very good personal trainer come friend of mine initially got me involved with the body building / figure fitness circuit a few years back when I went to watch her compete in her first ever competition – She came 3rd.  I walked out of that auditorium with my head held high and a massive smile on my face.  Her partner came 3rd also in his division.  A pair of inspirational people.  I can not hold these people in higher esteem.  The guidance and encouragement I received when preparing to go through my first comp was (and still is) greatly appreciated.  Any way as I was saying, breakfast with a group of bodybuilders got me thinking just how far I have already come, and just how far I have to go to get back to prime condition.  As they mentioned during conversation (as they do) – it’s important to eat clean not healthy… There is a HUGE difference.  Trust me there is!  And train accordingly… and we aren’t just talking walks and runs or swim laps I’m talking get out of your comfort zone and go pump some iron also.

Does Muscle Weigh More Than Fat?
One kilogram of fat is the same as 1 kg of muscle. The difference lies in the density of these tissues. Muscle tissue has a far greater density than that of fat. Therefore the volume or size of 1 kg of fat is much larger than one kilogram of muscle tissue. Weighing yourself on a scale is not a great way to measure improvement in health and fitness. Often, an individual will be depressed by the fact that he/she weighs the same as when he/she started exercising. What this doesn’t tell the person is that while they might weigh the same, their body fat to lean muscle mass ratio has probably changed. This is the exact reason why they may have dropped a few inches around the waist, chest and legs but their weight remains the same.                                                                                     EXAMPLE: A female weighs 65 kg when first starting to exercise. She has 20% (13kg) body fat. After 6 weeks of weight training, she weighs herself and still weighs 65 kg, but now she has 17% (11.05kg) body fat and has lost 5cm off her waist measurement. So she has actually lost 1.95 kg in body fat but has put on 1.95 kg in lean muscle mass.

Fitness Face Off
In One Corner: Dumbbells. In The Other: A Jump Rope.
When it comes to getting the body you want: strength training or cardio? Today people are taking a cue from athletes and many fitness gurus insist that strength training is where it’s at. Some even suggest ditching cardio altogether. To resolve the strength vs. cardio conundrum, I did some research and have listed the facts below. This will give you a better idea on how to get buff, torch calories, or run your fastest mile ever. With this information you can decide which discipline you should devote your sweat to and create a workout that’s perfectly proportioned to give you all the benefits.                                                          Cardio’s Edge: Calorie for calorie, cardio has a slight advantage. You’ll burn 8 to 10 calories a minute hoisting weights, compared with 10 to 12 calories a minute running or cycling.                                                                                                                           Strength’s Edge: Lifting weights gives you a metabolic spike for an hour after a workout because your body is trying hard to help your muscles recover. That means you’ll fry an additional 25 % of the calories you just scorched during your strength session. And there’s more good news when it comes to pumping “iron”. For every 3 pounds of muscle you build, you will burn an extra 120 calories/day just “vegging” because muscle takes more energy to sustain. Over the course of 1 year, that’s approximately 10lbs of fat without even changing your diet!!!
Winner: Strength

The Best Form Of Exercise To Deal With Stress                                                              Cardio’s Edge: The head-clearing effects of for example swimming or playing tennis show up faster than it takes to get a brow wax. Just 15 minutes of aerobic activity 2-3x/week can reduce anxiety significantly. If you go at it 3 to 5 days a week, you can cut fatigue by nearly 50%. This is because cardio elevates serotonin levels in the brain, a key neurotransmitter involved in improving symptoms of depression.                                       Strength’s Edge: A big question mark??? Scientists note promising results on the mood-altering effects of pumping iron. But more research is needed to nail the intensity and duration necessary to match cardio’s benefits.
Winner: Cardio

What Type of Exercise allows you to “love standing in front of the mirror” ?       Cardio’s Edge: Sports psychologists have been studying the effect of aerobic activity on self-confidence for decades. And they keep coming to the same conclusion: Runners, cyclists, swimmers, and other athletes have high confidence levels because of the sense of accomplishment they feel each time they cross the finish line.                                         Strength’s Edge: Think you look hot immediately after a workout? It’s not your imagination. Blood has rushed to your muscles, making them swell and appear more toned. Beyond vanity, you feel confident because you just pressed some major poundage. In 2006, researchers tested subjects’ body image – how they felt about others checking them out, and how satisfied they were with their own appearance before and after 12 weeks of strength training. The women made significant improvements, and they were particularly influenced by the physical results of increasing the amount lifted.                   Winner: Strength

How to Stay Active and Fit!                                                                                                  Cardio’s Edge: The repetitive nature of cardio puts serious pressure on your joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons and the cartilage in between. If you’ve got a weak link, you’re screaming to be benched. That is, unless you hit the weight room.
Strength’s Edge: A balance-training program such as single-leg squats and anything on a wobble board reduced the risk of ankle sprains in athletes. Functional strength training teaches your brain to allow muscle contractions that are quick enough to prevent or minimize injuries.
Winner: Strength
To Add Years to Your Life                                                                                               Cardio’s Edge: Nothing compares with cardio for optimising longevity.  It reduces the risk of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, type II diabetes, osteoporosis, stroke, and even certain types of cancer.  A stronger heart pumps more blood with each beat, circulating oxygen more efficiently throughout your body; aerobic activity prevents inflammation around your heart; and increases the “good” cholesterol in your blood by up to 8 % in just 8 weeks.                                                                                                              Strength’s Edge: A 2006 study by the National Institutes of Health found that lifting weights just 2x/week can prevent you from gaining intra-abdominal fat the kind that wraps around organs and constricts blood vessels.                                                                      Winner: Cardio

To Reach The Finish Line Faster                                                                                      Cardio’s Edge: The best way to train for an endurance event is by practicing it. Swimmers, for example, need to learn how to breathe properly, and cyclists need to hone cadence.                                                                                                                               Strength’s Edge: For a speed boost, strength training is essential especially for your core and legs. Plyometrics will improve your stride power, or the force you pedal with. For explosive power, experts recommend the standing triple jump.                                            Winner: Draw

Some interesting bits of information there hey?!?!

So have you got your training plan in place? If so do you get to keep your well planned work or are you tossing that piece of paper in the bin right about now?  What ever you choose it’s important to remember that what your goals are will be different to mine.

Remember – to achieve your desired result you are going to need commitment to yourself and you are also going to have to make sacrifices along the way.  Don’t let any body put you off from achieving your goals, if you find that there is 1 or 2 people in your circle who do try tell them to quit being big babies and support you in your lifestyle change, tell them why you want to do this and if they still aren’t with you, tell them to take a back seat for the time being.

I mentioned at the beginning of the blog about my friend who is a personal trainer… Check out her blog on Facebook page for hints and tips (and a laugh or 2)…


Weekend? What weekend?

Someone told me that it’s the weekend.  One of the “occupational” complications when you are a full time mother is you forget what day it is.  You may recognise these symptoms when on leave for an extended period of time.  Then one day you wake up and you tell yourself “Oh crap… I have to go to work today.  Where did the time go?”

Saturday for me is a cardio dedicated day.  A fun type of cardio.  Cardio, fun?  It sure is especially when you have a class filled with women who are all on the same mission as yourself – weight loss.  I am a part time Zumba instructor one of the most fun jobs to have.  Teaching a group of middle aged ladies to grove it and shake it like a 20 something is fun.  Seriously it is, especially when they tell you that their favourite song to dance to is hip hop.

My husband looks after the little one while I’m doing my classes that way I don’t have to be distracted by a crying baby during a class.  It is also a little bit of me time.  Something a mother does not get a lot of.

During my food shopping expedition the other day I managed to get my hands on some Kanga Bangas – Kangaroo meat sausages – a really low fat, high in protein and iron sausage.  I made an executive decision to cook these tonight for the first time… Success! Not a bad tasting sanga if I do say!  Complete with carrots, broccoli, zucchini and cauliflower mash – my alternative to mash potato…

Daily recap looks like this.

Description Calories Carbs Fat Protein
Daily Total (Food) 1,385 118 52 114
Daily Total (Exercise) 910


Totals 1,385 118 52 114

Clean Sausage Rolls


  • 500g chicken mince (or whatever mince you choose)
  • 1 tsp. garlic
  • 1 grated zucchini
  • Oregano (or other herbs you prefer, maybe chives as well?)
  • Rosemary
  • 3 mountain bread rye wraps cut in half


  1. Mix all ingredients in bowl
  2. Spoon onto rye wraps. Make sure you wet each end a fair bit so it sticks together
  3. Put water on top and sprinkle with sesame seeds
  4. Bake at 180 for 30 mins, and then maybe put it up to 220 for about 15 mins

First day back at it.

Last night was a real struggle.  Having a 4 month old who has just had their 2nd round of injections isn’t fun.  They are grizzly (really, really grizzly), the tend to sleep in 30 min sessions and they are a ticking time bomb with the poop department… Any time now I’m expecting a mother of all poops

My first day to a better me consisted of me having to get up every 30mins during the night to attend to bub .  I ended up putting her in her own room as she has seemed to forgotten the concept of sleep during the night.  I didn’t leave the bed this morning until 11.30   Not a great start to my new me…

I’ve set up an area in my house that will allow me to practice my Zumba but will also allow me to work out when it is just too cold to go out. Now to track down the ez bar, weights, yoga mat and push up handles that are some where in this house.  Next I need to track down a few other items – Sandbag, skipping rope, medicine ball and dip bars.

I managed a short walk with bub and the dog later this afternoon (once things warmed up marginally…)

I did my first shop for my clean list and it cost me a fortune! Why is starting out always so expensive?   So what’s on the menu tonight?  Clean eating Sausage Rolls…  Wish me luck